October 2013 Board Meeting

Restful Lake Minutes for October 20, 2013

The meeting called to order by Jeff Zembiak at 7:00 pm

Those in attendance were as follows:  Rich, Jim, Jeff, and Nellie. 

Rich read minutes from previous meeting. Nellie made motion to accept old minutes.  Jim 2nd.  Motion passed.

New Business:  Rich V gave financial report of Clam bake.  Total income $5366.55.  Total profit $2929.13  Jim and Emily Janke donated their time to make the clam bake a success.  Rich V donated tent, chairs, and tables from Hamden Fire Dept.  Jeff will make detailed list of job descriptions for each member of the board.  Jeff and Rich will put a plan together for improvements in the neighborhoods.  Planning to sell both Coke Coolers and arcade game, which are functional.  Rich will do final newsletter for the year to recap the year and another in March.  Nellie made motion at accept New Business.  Jim 2nd.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report (given by Rich):   Check account approx. $10,755.00 Savings/Checking:  $2,135.23 Jim made motion to accept Treasurer’s report.  Nellie 2nd. Motion passed.

Roads Report:  Jeff signed contract for snow plowing, salt, and cinders.  Same price as last year ($5,000).  Jim made a motion for $200 for extra salt for the road for emergencies. Rich V second.  Motion passed.  Work on the roads was done.  Pot holes on Longview to Highview were patched.  Potholes were also patched on Highview from Portlew to Edgewater.  Tom Saunders graded roads for about a day’s worth of work.  Rich made motion to accept roads report.  Jim 2nd.  Motion passed.

Grounds Report (Given by Jeff):   Flower beds were put in.  Crab apple trees were planted by Greg.  Greg and Roy did tons of work to help get the club house ready for Clam bake.  Jim made motion to accept Grounds Report. Rich 2nd.  Motion passed.

Old Business:  Discussed clam bake.  Money from the event paid for the new shed.  No Halloween party because no one planned it.  Nellie made motion to accept Old Business.  Rich 2nd. Motion passed.

Jim made motion to adjourn meeting. Rich 2nd. Motion passed.


December 27, 2013 12:00 am

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