April 2013 Board Minutes

Restful Lake Association Board minutes April 2013

President, Jeff Zembiak called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M.

In attendance were the following: Jeff Zembiak, Nellie Burdick, Jim Janke, Robert White,

Edith Fetheroff, Jessica Noah, and Rick Rossi, along with guest Mrs. Masek.

Mrs. Masek complained that people are using Restful Lake property to shoot off

fireworks, and selling them as well.

The Board indicated that to use Restful Lake property was not appropriate, however

A licensed person is allowed to do so, on private property only. Mrs. Masek asked the

Board to address swimming after dark and that is not allowed. The Board thanked,

Mrs. Masek for coming forward with her complaints.

Minutes were read and accepted from the previous meeting.

Treasurer’s Report was given and we have a balance of $12,971.53. Treasurer’s Report

was approved by the Board. Jim Janke made a motion to accept and Rick 2nd

• Motion passed.

Jeff Zembiak reported that he has spoken with most owners who are behind with their

dues and is making progress to collect back dues.

ROADS- Jeff reported that he talked with Saunder’s and needs his equipment for 2

Days at $600.00 a day for 8 hrs to grade Highview. Jim made a motion for $4000 for

The Spring repair of roads and Rick 2nd

• Motion passed.

Jim made a motion to accept the road report and Edith 2nd motion passed.

LAKE – Rick Rossi, reported that he priced the building of docks. Stationary docks using

20 x 6’s for a 4 x 6ft dock of treated wood; would cost $327.00; We would like a drawing

that would be universal for the whole Lake.

Jessie and Jim priced out picnic tables which come as a kit and the cost would be $98.00

per table.

BEACH – Rick reported that we need to purchase some sand for the beach.

CLUB HOUSE – Bob White reported what was done under the County specs and what still

needs to be finished.

Bob White to get original records from Cindy Sfor work done to Club House and any other

records Cindy may have. Jessica made a motion to accept Bob’s report and Rick 2nd motion


NEW BUSINESS – Jim will need a count a week ahead of time for how many people are

eating after the Annual meeting. We will move the Annual meeting time to 1:00 P.M.

The menu will include all you can eat, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Beef, Rolls, Butter and Hot Dogs. The

Costs per person will be $16.00.

A motion for $1,500 for Jim Janke to purchase the food was made by Nellie and 2nd by Bob

Motion passed.

Jim Janke made a motion to change the dues to $300.00 per house address and $150.00

for no house. The motion was 2nd by Jessie. Jessie stated this will generate an additional

$6,000.00 a year. Motion passed but needs to be voted on at annual meeting.

We will also have a vote to take a 5 Year loan for our roads to be updated all at once.

Included with the requirement that the Association will require all residents to use one

garbage collection Company at a savings to our residents.

Our attorney will be updating our by Laws to include these changes.

Edith made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jim 2nd Motion passed.

Next meeting will May 15.

Annual meeting will be May 19th at 1:00 P.M. at the Restful Lake Club house.

Respectfully Submitted

Edith Fetheroff


July 19, 2013 12:00 am

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